Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Colombian Nationals:

The Gladney Center is happy to announce an adoption program for Colombian citizens living in the United States. If you are a Colombian citizen and your spouse is an American citizen, you qualify for a "fast track" adoption. The Gladney Center, as an accredited agency in Colombia, will:

  • approve you as an adoptive family (you must qualify according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Colombian laws)
  • perform a home study
  • give you advice on constructing your dossier
  • provide you a letter stating that Gladney will perform your post placement reports

You will be responsible for submitting your dossier to the Adoption Board of Review. The cost for this program is $3,200. This fee does not include a translator/guide but that can be provided at an additional cost.

If you are interested in this program please call Carrie Greil at 817-922-6082 or email her at

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